Friday, May 17, 2013

I Think My Son Is An Alien

Okay so I know my son isn't really an alien from outer space. Sometimes it sure does seem like it though. He is just so outgoing. Not that there is anything wrong with being outgoing but it is really hard for me to relate to. When we go out to the grocery store he has no problem chatting up random strangers or the cashiers. He asks them questions like "what's your name?", "where do you go to school?", "what are you doing here?" and my personal favorites "why are you doing that?" and "do you want to come with us?". I can't understand how he can be so open and trusting of people he doesn't even know. When I was a kid I was super shy and mostly kept to myself. As an adult I am mostly the same way although I've learned that occasionally "small talk" is unavoidable. Where I find it uncomfortable and meaningless he actually seems to enjoy it.

Having a very social son has a few downsides. Especially for someone like me. Last week I was picking him up from preschool and as we were walking out to our van he sees his friend Jacob and Jacob's mom and says "You can come over to my house! It's an invitation!". I tried to laugh it off because honestly, kids say a lot of crap that isn't always factual. Unfortunately Jacob's mom took that as an opportunity to try and fish for a real invitation for a play date.  She starts asking me where we live and I'm thinking "oh, you have got to be kidding me". A play date to me would probably be one of the most awful things ever. It is somewhere between an awkward blind date and glorified babysitting. Especially because at this age you don't just have the other kid over, you also have to entertain the kids mom and any other younger siblings he may have. That just sounds like a lot of work to me. So I gave her a vague description of where we live and then jumped in the van and drove away. Was I being completely rude? Maybe. Did I manage to get out of having to host a lame play date? Heck yes! I did however have to have a little talk with Gavin about how we do not ask people to come over to our house without asking mommy in private first.

It's not just out in public that his big personality is apparent. It's also at home. My little guy will start yapping away from the moment he wakes up in the morning until well after I've put him to bed. (Me and Tim can hear him chatting to Claire at night when they should be sleeping) I'm not really sure where he gets it from. Sure, Tim is a friendly guy who gets along with just about anyone, but he isn't the type to sit there and talk your ear off. And as for me, well, Tim sometimes says that he thinks I am antisocial. Which isn't true at all, I can be friendly and talkative when I need to be. I just don't always enjoy doing it and somehow it never feels "natural". But it sure does come naturally to Gavin.

 So I guess I just need to learn to go with it. If my son wants to be everyone's best friend then I am going to let him. It doesn't mean I won't grumble a little bit next time the subject of a play date comes up but I guess I will have to learn to be more open to it.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Goodbye twenties, it was fun while it lasted.

A month ago I turned twenty nine. Twenty nine. That means I have less than a year left of being in my twenties. I never thought I would be one of those women who panics every time a birthday passes but here I am! I have to say that I am truly going to miss being in my twenties. All of my biggest life changing events and some of my happiest moments all happened in my twenties. It's going to be really hard to say goodbye.

I'm also a little unhappy that I'm officially getting "old". When I was a kid I thought thirty sounded ancient. And now that it is almost here I'm not sure how to deal with it. I mean getting farther and farther away from your youth is never easy. I don't feel old. Well, not all the time anyway. I sort of feel like I'm in some weird in between space somewhere between young and old. But sometimes things happen that make me wonder if I should worry. Like last week when I woke up and looked in the mirror and realized that after getting a full nights sleep I still had managed to develop dark circles under my eyes.  Or how now I have to think really carefully about whether to have a slice of cake or a bowl of ice cream. It just doesn't come off as easily as it used to. Or how I'm not really sure if it's still okay to shop at the Forever 21 or if I should just go ahead and start shopping in the old lady department of the department stores. I wonder if other almost thirties have this same problem.

I guess I'll just have to go with the flow and see where it takes me. Maybe my thirties will turn out to be the best years of my life. Who knows.